What difference does a mission make to your business story? (Episode 21)
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As a soulful business owner I’m pretty sure that you are on a mission to help and serve your community of lovely humans. You started your business for a reason, but do you get back in touch with that big WHY so it can put the wind back in your sails?
In this episode we explore why having a ‘mission statement’, otherwise known as your manifesto, north star or guiding light is one of the business foundations that every business owner needs.
Here’s a lowdown of the golden nuggets you’ll find in this episode:
What do we actually mean by a ‘mission statement’ and what is the point of it?
What are the benefits of having a mission statement, and what impact can it have on your business, your clients and the people you work with or employ?
What if you had a permission slip and a safe space to really dream big?
Why it’s also important to know what you’re NOT doing
How Lea crafts mission statements for her clients and the gold dust that gets uncovered
How we both use mission statements in conjunction with the soulmate client documents in our creative work and why this is powerful stuff