The Digital (Gold) Dust Podcast

I can’t quite believe I’m saying this, but my independent business buddy Lea Tierney and I have just launched a podcast! The Digital (Gold) Dust podcast was born out of our desire to share what we feel are much-needed conversations about being a sensitive soul in business.

Listen to the trailer


What is the Digital (Gold) Dust podcast about?

As Lea and I started collaborating on client projects we noticed there were similarities with what both our clients struggled with, so we knew others would be facing the same and maybe there was a broader way we could help.

Not only that, but we were also having meaningful conversations about being conscious business owners ourselves - how it was possible to do things in a slower more thoughtful way instead of subscribing to the prevailing ‘hustle’ culture that we’d both chosen to leave behind in our previous corporate careers. We also talked about how it was possible to build businesses that could give us space for the days when we’re not feeling so great (we both have some health considerations that require a more compassionate approach to self-employed life), something that I felt wasn’t being talked about enough in the business and entrepreneur space.

We also feel passionately that there is room for us more sensitive folk in the world and that the world needs more of us to shine.

So The Digital (Gold) Dust podcast was born to bring these conversations to, and have these conversations with, fellow solopreneurs and kindred spirits ✨💙

Digital (Gold) Dust podcast title on blue marbled background

Where can you listen to The Digital (Gold) Dust podcast?

Well, I’m so glad you asked! 😉 We will be releasing episodes every 2 weeks and you can listen on Anchor and Spotify. We’re just getting started so we’re all about being honest and authentic, so it may not be as polished as other podcasts you listen to but we’ll do our best to bring you the best quality we can while we have fun with this new medium.

If you like what you hear please do subscribe so that the latest episode can drop into your podcast library. You can also follow us on LinkedIn where we have a page dedicated to all things gold dust and you’ll hear about the latest episodes there too.

Happy listening!

Subscribe & follow the podcast on Anchor | Spotify | LinkedIn


Welcome to the Digital (Gold) Dust Podcast


Getting to the heart of your business story and what your clients need to hear