Getting to the heart of your business story and what your clients need to hear

White woman crossing her hands over her heart

The power of the words you share on your website

One of the key challenges you might be facing as a heart-led business owner right now is how to tap into the heart and soul of your business - and get this across in your copy.

What difference does your business story make? Nailing this will help you to find more ease and flow in your business; giving you the confidence to share your offerings and magnetically attract your soulmate clients.

This might be the missing piece of the puzzle for your website, so this blog post is here to help. And to make the words you share on your website sing, I’ve enlisted Messaging Mentor and Copywriter Lea Tierney for a guest blog post.

Lea and I both want 2022 to be your best year yet, and for you to take giant strides forward with your mission. This is our way of helping you to change the world.

Read on to discover what you need to know about the power of the words you choose for your website and find out how you can work with Lea to make your words truly sing.

What Messaging Mentor and Copywriter Lea Tierney wants you to know about telling your business story through words

Firstly, let’s ditch the idea that storytelling is a “lost” or “mystical” art; we’ve been telling stories for centuries - it’s how we connect to other humans. And you’re still using that craft every day. Where you might feel a little less confident about flexing your power to spin a good yarn is in the online space.

Like many of my clients, you might feel baffled by blogging, weirded out by website writing or strung out by social media post creation. These are just methods of storytelling - don’t get bogged down by the methodology.

Whichever method you use, what you are trying to achieve, quite simply, is a heartfelt conversation with the person you are trying to help. And please, please don’t get stuck on what you “should” be saying or worrying about saying the “right thing”. Remember, your ideal clients are out there waiting for YOU, the true you in all your messy, authentic glory.

So, what do your clients need to see in words?


Your ideal customers need to know that you SEE THEM

Small business owner sitting at laptop

This is the absolute foundation of everything you write for your business. Because, whilst your business probably wouldn’t function without you - you also have no business without THEM (i.e. your ideal client).

From your homepage to your lead magnet to your newsletters, everything you create needs to be formed from the perspective of your soulmate clients’ challenges, what they dream their life to be, and how you want them to feel.


The words you use online help your soulmate clients see - and resonate with - what you stand for

I am a woman on a mission sign surrounded by post it notes

There’s a reason you do what you do. You can’t bear to see your ideal clients/customers struggling unnecessarily with the things that are holding them back from living their best life.

You have a vision of a world where people are joyful, fulfilled, confident, [insert your own vision here] and the work you do contributes to that. By communicating to the online world your mission, vision and values, you’ll draw a tribe of people who have been waiting for you to magically appear.


Your online copy helps to build a true picture of your place in the world

Beautiful imagery and branding are one component of being seen and felt online. But if your copy (words) doesn’t marry up with what you’ve put out there visually, this creates a jarring effect for your potential customers.

By using your own tone of voice and consciously crafting a conversation through your website and online marketing, you help people to see you as The One they have been waiting for.


If you find yourself stuck when it comes to the heart of your business story and what your clients need to hear:

1. Curate and consume consciously

Unsubscribe from newsletters, take a social media break, hit pause on your podcast playlist. You need to dig deep and shine a laser focus on YOUR business and your soulmate clients. 


2. Get clear on your mission and vision

Vision boarding, personality archetyping, mind-mapping, writing up your mission statement and creating soulmate client characters or personas are essential ways to get clear on your mission and vision. 

Spend some time journaling about your story (there’s a sign up for a free resource from Lea below to help with this).

How did you get to where you are today? Where do you want to be in 5 years’ time?

Remember, most of us started doing what we do because we don’t want others to go through what we went through; so your ideal clients are likely to be similar to you in lots of ways. How you felt and what you experienced say, 5 years ago, is often a good starting point for where your soulmate client is currently at. 

If you struggle with “blank page syndrome”, why not record yourself on video or voice notes and take the transcript into a document to start sharing authentically, in your true voice?


3. Practice having a written conversation with your ideal client

What you need to practice, is having a written conversation with your ideal client.

My top tip is to print out your ideal clients and stick them above your workspace and keep looking at them every time you have to write something for your business. 

But listen, help is at hand if you are feeling overwhelmed. The concept of “Marketing”, or Copywriting for many heart-centred business owners, is an icky one, shrouded in mystery; you know your offering/methodology inside out and that’s where your passion lies - you probably didn’t expect to be thrown in the deep end with having to sell what you’re bringing to the party. That’s ok.

By getting to the heart of your story and sharing the words that your soulmate customers need to hear, they will see from the get-go that you know what they need and truly see them.

Your great copy will clearly show that your offerings have been created with them in mind and demonstrate your authenticity and genuine desire to support them.

You will feel like you can easily talk about your business, the right people will be drawn to you and that gross bit of "making the sale" becomes SO MUCH EASIER. This is all about having great conversations with your ideal clients; it’s that simple.


Are you ready to sprinkle some magic over your business story copy?

Lea Tierney copywriter and messaging mentor

Lea Tierney is the word-wand-waving Messaging Mentor and Copywriter supporting overwhelmed and frustrated heart-led business owners with an aversion to “selling” to attract more of their ideal clients through intentional marketing.

Lea works with coaches, holistic therapists and change-makers to create digital sanctuaries for their ideal clients; writing blogs, websites, newsletters and creating lead magnets that support those people in living their own dream lives. You are here to serve – and Lea is here to help you do that through words. You can subscribe to Lea’s newsletter and grab your FREE copy of the Unleash your inner storyteller workbook here.


How to work with Lea*

You can work with Lea through her Messaging Mentoring Power Hours and Conscious Connection Experience to unveil your gifts to the world and have genuine, heartfelt conversations with the people you are here to serve. And discover how conversations with your potential clients can be a fairy tale (rather than a tiny nightmare)! Lea also offers bespoke copywriting support, in case you were wondering.

*You may be wondering why I’ve teamed up with Lea?

Well first and foremost, I’ve seen first-hand the extraordinary work Lea does and how it can transform how you connect with your clients. I also get to see my clients getting the most out of their investment. Seeing you push that website, which has both beauty and substance through a powerful, well-told story, out into the world makes my heart sing! It also means I can stop lying awake at night worrying that you aren’t reaching all the people that SO BADLY NEED YOU. 

Secondly, for full disclosure, Lea and I have decided (after some lengthy chats) to team up and work in a more collaborative way. There will be future developments to this but right now, we’re starting simply with a little kickback to each other for referrals. Because as business owners, we all grow, when we.all.grow.

Yes, I will earn a small financial reward if you sign up for Lea’s services because I sent you there. And vice versa. But I would only ever recommend someone to you that was aligned with this community. Who I thought you could really connect with and who can deliver you results. 

Sammy x


The Digital (Gold) Dust Podcast


Branding and web design - How Jade got the website of her dreams to kick-start her small business